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MasterClass Certification Program 2024 - 2025

Join us for classes in September, 2023
Professional Intuitive Development
Certification Program encompassing 
other programs
International School of Clairvoyance Logo_edited.jpg

providing quality training in the intuitive & healing arts











The 2024- 2025 ISC MasterClass Intuitive Development Program Includes:

*Remote Viewing Programs 

*Level One 12 week Clairvoyant program

*Level Two 12 week Clairvoyant program

*Level Three 12 week Clairvoyant program  OR

12-week Mediumship Program (1/2 off for 5th class)

Unlimited Opportunities to retake each class

*Additional Practice Group Opportunities included.

*Facilitator Training for ISC Practice Groups

*Opportunity to become a graduate reader

with ISC upon program completion

So you can attend 4 out of 5 available classes as part of the class

If you wish to do a 5th class, you can do this at half of the early bird price

(you can decide this once you finish your 4 courses).

Offered for a limited time only!

Tuition - $350 Per Month For One Year Commitment

Close to a 50 percent savings!

(sorry therefore no other discounts apply)

DON'T WAIT! Debra may only teach these classes through 2025 or offer the same ones. Further, this is the last semester that

early bird discounts will apply to installment payments, or a wide range of options will be offered. 

Who is this program for?

This is for anyone who knows they want to learn all they can about their intuitive potential and is on a mission to grow, learn, heal and prosper personally, spiritually, physically, and professionally.  

How does this work?


Students begin the MasterClass Program starting with the first 10 or 12-week program they select. These programs are offered at various and alternating times throughout the year. Students can begin in either the Remote Viewing Class, or the Clairvoyant Class or do both simultaneously. They must complete Level One before moving onto the other clairvoyant classes (1, 2, 3) or the mediumship class. Still, these classes can be conducted as offered, or in whatever order the student chooses.

There is no deadline in which the program needs to be completed. Students typically meet in 1.5 years, some sooner some longer. 


Since Debra teaches the majority of classes and can only offer so many per semester, if a course is offered at a time/date the student is not available, the students can choose another class to attend, retake any class partially or in full, continue to participate in our weekly practice groups, or wait until it is offered at a more desirable time and date. Once past Level two, students can also attend classes via listening to recordings, provided they can practice in the practice groups occasionally. However, in-class attendance is always suggested.


After completing Level two, the first and most crucial step towards teacher training, Students will also be eligible to participate as facilitators within the practice groups.


Additionally, MasterClass Students will be eligible to apply to become paid readers in the ISC Graduate Readers Program.


While every class provides the student with a certificate of completion for that class, the Master class will give the student with a formal Certificate of Mastery, which signifies the student is deemed competent to begin to practice at a professional level.  If it is felt that the student after taking all classes is not ready for this than the student will be encouraged to retake classes and will receive ongoing mentorship until this status is approved. That being said, we do have many graduates who reach this level after a couple of classes. By offering the Masterclass we are not suggesting that those who only take a single course can not meet professional goals earlier


Tuition for the entire program can be paid at the start to get that out of the way, or  in monthly, manageable payments of $350 per month. These guarantee you a spot in each class, whether you choose to complete all courses in a year or longer. 


Tuition if the program is paid up front: $4000.


Tuition if the program is paid in 12 monthly payments: $350.

($325 if paid via other means other than debit/credit card, please inquire).


To Register


1. To Register for the MasterClass Program, click on the button below for under "MEMBERSHIPS".  Once your registration is confirmed, please get in touch with debra at and let her know which class you'd like to take next and she will manually register you for those.  You can take the clairvoyant level one remote viewing class or both as your first class.

Another option is to pay via check or zelle for an additional discount for the Masterclass. To learn more, please reach out via email.

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