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International School of Clairvoyance

Practice group Membership

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For current clairvoyant students and graduates of Level I or Level II
programs with the ISC or from other clairvoyant programs from other

At the International School of Clairvoyance, we are offering an invaluable practice opportunity to graduates of our 12 week Level I or Level II programs, as well as to anyone who has graduated from a clairvoyant program from another clairvoyant training school that teaches readings in a group format.

Once you register here, we now have a 6 month membership option for $75.  If you have taken Level I or Level 2 then please go to, and then join the private group that was recently set up entitled, "Private Wednesday Practice Group" and submit yourself to be a member of that group. You will be approved and then you'll find out how to get on the call.

Current students or students who are registered in an upcoming program due to start within the year do not need to pay a membership. Students will have a month following their program to participate for free as well.

If you aren't sure if you qualify or have never participated before and are not a graduate of our school, please check in with Debra at before registering.  Unfortunately participants of weekend workshops only do not qualify.


As many of you know, we have been offering these practice groups for over two years now and they provide an invaluable practice and learning opportunity.  The groups are facilitated by competent and caring facilitators who create a safe space of communication and cooperation, while giving you room to do your thing.  They aren't invasive or overbearing, but just supportive. They aren't there to teach, but rather to run the reading. Some of the facilitators are also in training.


During the practice groups, students will read volunteers from the public.


If you'd like to receive a student reading, you can register via our online scheduler in advance. Those receiving readings don't need to be members or to have taken any program anywhere. We appreciate if you can make $25 donation for these if possible.

 6 months Practice group membership for readers


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There is usually a waiting list, but occasionally there are last minute cancellation. Again, readings are done on Wednesday mornings at 10 am or evenings at 5 pm only. Wednesday mornings are every week, but the evening groups now only meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. Readings usually last about 30 minutes to an hour.  There are all levels in these groups, from beginning students through professional level.


When we don't have volunteers, students/graduates participating in the practice groups can sometimes receive a reading upon request, but it's best to not plan for that unless you've set it up in advance with the facilitator. As a clairvoyant reader, you'll often get your own answers and healing as you read others.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

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