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International School of Clairvoyance Log

Clairvoyant Program Level I 

Psychic Training Intuitive Development Word Cloud

Clairvoyant Training Program - 12 weeks

Starts September 7, 2024 

Saturdays, 10 am PST to 1 pm PST

All Classes are taught via Zoom by Debra Lynne Katz 

Tuition $1800, Early Bird $1500 if deposit is made prior to August 7. Highly flexible payment plans available.

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All classes are highly interactive, personalized, and taught through live online Webinar format by Debra herself/Audio replays are also available if a class is missed. Students can do make-ups in other courses.  Ask Debra about her interest-free payment plan.

What will I learn in the ISC Clairvoyant Program? 

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Learn the art and practice of clairvoyant reading and healing — a fun, exciting, intuitive method involving visual symbols from one's own and another's subconscious. Learn guided imagery techniques that can be worked with to access helpful information about all aspects of a person's self and life and to create positive change. Weekly in-class lessons include open questions throughout class, guided meditations, self-healing & manifesting exercises, lectures, discussions, large groups, small groups, and one-on-one practice sessions. Additional group practice sessions and homework supplement this enriching learning experience.

In the ISC Clairvoyant Program taught by Debra Lynne Katz you will learn to access, enhance, and make use of all your intuitive abilities (even those never experienced before), including:

  • Clairvoyance                Accessing Intuitive Information through Vision, Images, Colors.

  • Telepathy                     Mind to mind, or heart to heart communication.

  • Clairaudience              Hearing psi based information in words or sounds.

  • Clairsentience              Feeling others emotions and body sensations

  • Claircognizance           Instant knowing without use of analytic thought.

  • Somatic Intelligence    Body movements or spontaneous actions prompted by                                                            unconscious psi

  • Energy Healing           Transforming the building blocks of what keeps                                                                     someone unwell, or stuck or in pain or distress. 

  • Intro Mediumship       Communicating with guides and deceased loved ones safely.​​

In the ISC Clairvoyant Level One Program taught by Debra Lynne Katz you will learn meditative and energetic healing techniques for helping yourself and others to:
  • Become more focused, grounded, centered and effective in the world

  • Access deeper parts of your own personality, power and wisdom

  • Release Stress and Tension

  • Let go of obsessive and anxious thoughts

  • Overcome obstacles to achieving and manifesting goals

  • Start the flow of intuitive information, probe for greater details, and to bypass false analytic-based interpretations

  • Communicate intuitive-based information ethically, effectively and honestly with others

  • Control one’s own emotions that can easily distract or distort information

Weekly Topics include but are not limited to:

  • Turning down one’s analytic mind, turning up one’s intuitive self

  • Transforming negative or traumatic mental pictures into useful ones

  • Discovering your own natural visual language and how this relates to emotions

  • Reading and Healing relationships and manifesting goals

  • Communicating with spirit guides and deceased loved ones

  • Reading and healing auras and chakras

  • Remote Viewing locations and objects

You will learn to overcome bad psychic habits including:

  • Fishing for information through excessive verbal questioning

  • Seeking constant validation from your client

  • Giving analytic inspired advice instead of intuitive guidance

  • Allowing your emotions or need to be liked to get in your way

  • Being entirely dependent on any physical divination tool outside yourself (rather if you already use a divination tool such as tarot cards you will be helped to have the cards appear visually rather then having you use them in class)

Who is this Class for?

This class will support all other forms and methods of intuitive, therapeutic and healing work. This class is for beginners and professionals. Whether you’ve got no idea how to even get started, wish to supplement a current therapeutic practice with use of your own intuition, or have been doing psychic work professionally for years. If you want to bring your training to the next level by increasing your clairvoyant and letting go of bad habits, this class is for you.

Prerequisites: An intense desire and willingness to learn about and enhance your intuitive potential.

Will I need to also take Levels Two & Three?

No! At the ISC, we don't believe in making students dependent on us; instead, we aim to move students toward independence as quickly as possible. Level One is intended to be a complete program in and of itself, giving students all they need to continue practicing independently. That being said, those who move on find themselves taking several steps up as they move through level 2. However, personal or group practices can achieve much of the ongoing confidence gained. Many who continue onto Level 2 do so because they enjoy the experience and want to learn more. Also, those interested in Mediumship and specialty readings such as life path and past life readings will find level 2 useful.

How Do Students participate in the ISC Clairvoyant Training Programs, given this is taught via


The class is taught through Zoom audio and some screen share, meaning there will be no webcams or video - What?! No video? Yes, no video. This is for a particular reason! Debra wants you to focus on the internal screen of your mind that you will visualize with eyes closed (corresponding with the third eye or 6th chakra) rather than your computer screen. Every attempt is made to allow for ongoing communication between students and instructor and students to the student while minimizing all visual distractions. You will be amazed to discover how this simple format can achieve a sense of community and connection


This program allows students to speak up at all times, both verbally and through other methods, using their phone's keypad. This innovative audio system allows the class to break into private break-out rooms where students can practice one-on-one or in small groups under the supervision of their instructor, who can rotate from room to room


Communicating via webinar with a focus on audio is a quick and easy way to communicate while allowing the student to participate from any place in their home, without having to worry about how they look, how they are dressed, whether or not their lighting is good, or their house is clean. 


Students will also participate on a separate group page at, where they can access all class recordings, learn about each other, communicate with the instructor, and receive class updates


Class recordings will be in MP3s that are extremely quick and easy to download. Level One Students will also have access to their class recording and the recording from the other day's class.

Through 2021, All clairvoyant and remote viewing classes will be taught by Debra Lynne Katz herself. These are the most intensive, hands-on, interactive, comprehensive psychic development classes you will experience in such a short time, allowing you to integrate the material into real-life practice and increase the likelihood that you will continue to practice on your own long after the training is completed. (All students may continue participating in organized practice group reading sessions following graduation as well).  

By the end of the class, any doubts that you have or can develop psi abilities will be erased!

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Interested in taking all the classes for a substantial discount? Sign up for our masterclass!

Learn more here!

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  • Fun

  • Love

  • Belief in miracles

  • Belief in limitless

  • Respect for all levels & backgrounds

  • Cooperation & supportive enviroment

  • Lots of open and clear communication

  • Honesty, Integrity, professionalism

  • Relaxed but structured environment

  • Clear expectations and objectives

  • Varied approached for all learning styles

  • Multi-tasking to acheive healing, manifesting, psychic goals all at once.

  • Unlimited Permission to Grow

  • Let's have fun while we learn attitude

  • Knowing there are no limits to spirit

  • Respect for all participants

  • Belief that all students have their own widsom to share

Energy Healing

Debra's Recipe For A Successful Class

Time to have fun..and discover
your true potential! 

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Questions? Contact Debra!

Tuition $1800, Early Bird $1500 if deposit is made prior to August 7. Highly flexible payment plans available.

February 02, 2017

Tania - Graduate of Level One, Two & 3 Class

I was looking for a very in-depth, intense course as I was motivated personally to learn from the best and reach for professional excellence. Integrity was very important for me to find in a teacher. I searched high and low to find someone whose integrity jumped off the online page. Debra was it.


She is a one of a kind teacher because she is so down to earth and completely practical in her approach. With her background and training, and her own commitment to ongoing best practice (she is always challenging herself and doing her own training) she is teaching some of the most powerful and current psychic techniques. She introduced us to the many concepts, techniques and modalities in fresh and vibrant ways- the series of seminars is jam-packed. With the varied class content, you can see where you resonate and what works for you. I discovered many new areas of psychic work I hadn’t thought I had skill in - that I can now add to my toolbox.


Each week was a feast of exploration. It gives you the chance to explore your psychic sensibilities in a very supportive atmosphere. Debra is a very gentle and allowing teacher. She is always calm and reassuring and manages the seminar format of the class in an understated but authoritative way. She provides access to practice groups in class and out outside of class and creates a sense of community where you can share info, ask questions, and read for the other members of the group online. I appreciated that she was available outside of class via email to field questions. Another keynote of Debra as a teacher is the level of her respectful and thoughtful responses that reflect her many years of experience.


I found her generosity remarkable and it clearly comes from her understanding of how energy works and the up and downs of the journey to develop your psychic tools. Her heart is open and clear. She shares a lot of herself and her own journey, which is a great gift from a teacher. She is honest with her feedback and supports you to be the best you can be. She draws out your own inner strength and belief in yourself, which is a large part of doing this work. I am sure this is why Debra enjoys the reputation that she does amongst the psychic community. She also offers a lot of brass tacks advice and information to anyone wishing to set up their own professional practice and that is worth gold. It’s unlimited what you can achieve if you are a beginner or more experienced, depending on your own focus, interests and motivation. If you want to develop your psychic skills and/or move from wanting to read professionally to actually feeling confident enough to do it then I would recommend Debra’s class to achieve your goals. She offers a clear and sure pathway. Training with Debra is a great investment".....Tania is a current Level II student and has just started doing reading professionally.

January 03, 2023

Natalie C.

​I started Level 1 with absolutely no experience. Having read Debra's book, You Are Clairvoyant, I knew that this would be a good choice for a learning opportunity. In fact, I got so many chances to practice, meet like minded people and have my questions answered as this is a highly interactive class. All of this was done in a non judgmental and safe space. I felt so comfortable learning and experimenting this new subject and it helped me build my confidence into my newly discovered abilities. I would definitely recommend this class to anyone who is new and wanting to develop their psychic abilities or just simply want to improve their abilities. 

December 28, 2017


"This class opened up a whole new world for me, expanded my gifts and gave me the confidence I need to help others seeking clairvoyant counsel. On a personal level, I have grown and healed more during this 12 week course than I have in my whole life and people keep telling me that I seem so peaceful and that I am glowing. This class is so much more than clairvoyant training. It is healing for you and your relationships. It opens up creativity and allows you to expand on a level you could never do by yourself.


The group is so supportive and Debra is an amazing teacher and leader. She pushes you to grow while allowing healing to occur. I am so amazed by this training. This is one of the best things I have ever done for myself and to help others. If you are considering this class - the answer is Yes!  

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