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Debra Lynne Katz, Ph.D


SHORT BIO (for those with a short attention span)


DEBRA LYNNE KATZ has a Ph.D in Psychology and a Masters's Degree in Social Work. She founded the International School of Clairvoyance and has been the lead instructor since its inception. Her remarkable literary contributions include "The Complete Clairvoyant; A Trilogy"; "You Are Psychic: The Art of Clairvoyant Reading and Healing", "Extraordinary Psychic: Proven Techniques to Master Your Natural Abilities", "Freeing the Genie Within", and "Associative Remote Viewing: The Art & Science of Predicting Outcomes for sports, financials, elections, and the lottery".


Debra is a versatile professional, excelling in multiple disciplines. She's an accomplished remote viewer, clairvoyant, medium, energy healer, and dedicated parapsychological researcher. She's a futurist in every sense of the word. As the President of the International Remote Viewing Association, her leadership in the field is evident. Her diverse background also includes holding the positions of Federal Probation Officer and TV show host.


A strong advocate for unlocking innate intuitive reading potential, Debra believes that everyone possesses untapped abilities. She's committed to guiding individuals on a journey of self-discovery, helping them realize their never-imagined potential levels. To learn more about Debra and her extensive research papers, visit her website:

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LONGER BIO (for those of you with nothing else to do now).

DEBRA LYNNE KATZ has a Ph.D in Psychology and holds a Masters's Degree in Social Work. She is the founder and Director of the International School of Clairvoyance, one of the first schools of its kind to offer successful distance training programs.


Debra is an accomplished clairvoyant, remote viewer, medium and energy healer who works for some of the leading business manufactures and stockbrokers, and whose clientele include some of the top celebrities in the nation. Several of her students from the past two decades have started successful professional intuitive-related businesses. She has conducted remote viewing and parapsychological research for several years and worked/studied in the Ingo Swann remote viewing archives for three years at the University of West Georgia.


She is the author of the landmark books: "The Complete Clairvoyant; A Trilogy"; "You Are Psychic: The Art of Clairvoyant Reading and Healing"; "Extraordinary Psychic: Proven Techniques to Master Your Natural Abilities";  and "Freeing the Genie Within". Her newest books are, "Associative Remote Viewing: The Art & Science of Predicting Outcomes for Sports, Financials, Elections and the Lottery" (released August, 2021) and Unpacking the Popular Psychology Controversy, to be released November 1, 2021. 


She is also a former TV show host of the "Psychic Explorer" aired on two local channels for three years in Sedona, Arizona. She is also a film school graduate and writer/director of short films and documentaries. Before that, in what seems like a past life, she served as a United States Probation Officer and Legal Advocate for domestic violence victims and as Director of a day program helping developmentally disabled adults. She's also worked for homeless shelters and suicide prevention hotlines. Alongside these endeavors, she has also pursued energy healing training, adding to her diverse skill set.


While Debra is a talented and popular clairvoyant-medium-psychic-remote viewer, she is perhaps more unique in her belief that all people have the innate potential to tap their intuitive powers. She is also unique because she is a psychic researcher and spiritually orientated psychic. She works around the clock to continue to improve her own intuitive abilities and those of countless others, convinced that most of humanity has not even come close to realizing their true potential.

She is acting president (and conference manager) for the International Remote Viewing Association. She is a professional Parapsychology Association member, an associate member of the Rhine Research Center, the Society for Scientific Exploration and the Society for Psychical Research, along with the International Association for Near Death Studies.

She has recently be invited to be a guest host on the New Thinking Allowed Show, produced by Jeffrey Mishlove.

She presently resides in Mapleton, Oregon and studying for her real estate exam - just to stay balanced in the "real" world. Her website is:

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Artemis was Debra's 13 year old Siberian Huskey and the ISC Mascott. She passed away November of 2022. She continues to live on in our hearts.

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