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Individual Mentoring & Instruction
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Debra Lynne Katz, through the ISC, offers individualized personal instruction in all areas of intuitive development on a case-by-case basis. Only a couple students will be accepted per year for this option.

Is personal individual training right for me?

With personalized instruction, you'll receive the benefit of moment-to-moment personalized mentoring and monitoring and  you can tailor your training to fit in with your own preferences, whether it is in alignment with one particular area of psychic development or broadly spans all areas such as clairvoyance, remote viewing, mediumship, etc These sessions can also be combined with other intuitive services. 

The clairvoyant and mediumship group courses are designed to maximize practice opportunities and for students to learn from each other and allow for much discussion and Q & A are are personalized. However, in this training, the student and instructor work very closely with individualized instruction in these areas, there is still opportunities to read volunteers who are brought in, but it is a different experience than the class experience.

Students can also receive readings/healing sessions included within the 40 hours of training from the instructor at no additional charge.

Individual students are able to book day or evening appointments and their schedules can be flexible, so this option may be a good alternative for those overseas or with erratic work schedules.

Private Tutoring fee:

Please get in touch regarding this option. 

Since the instructor's time is so limited and these sessions then negate the possibility of offering a group class or meeting with private clients, and they require both intensive concentration and preparation, the cost is substantially higher than all group classes and can not be discounted.

If you feel this option might be right for you, feel free to reach out to or fill out the contact form below, and we can set up a time to discuss.

As an alternative that will provide you with a comparable level of instruction, check out all our small group classes here. These do provide for a variety of options, payment plans & discounts. While some people prefer to do a private mentorship - there is much value working with other students so please don't feel like you are missing out if you can't afford this option.


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