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Debra Lynne Katz

Debra Lynne Katz is an internationally renowned speaker, founder, director and teacher of the International School of Clairvoyance. She has helped countless of people tune into their intuitive/psychic abilities. She is the author of 3 famous books, and is currently a Ph.D student in Psychology at the University of West Georgia. She can be reached at

Courtney Alex 

is an intuitive coach and writer who is assisting ISC by facilitating practice groups.  A lifelong empath and psychic, her life changed dramatically when she began studying the tools for reading energy, using them daily as an effective (not to mention fun!) way to receive guidance and experience magic! Courtney may be reached at

Naomi Aoyagi

is a soul-directed healing practitioner and intuitive reader who lives in the Sacramento area. She is a graduate of ISC and recently completed studies in Energetic Assessment and Advanced Energy Healing Protocols with the Energy Healing Institute for Vibrational Medicine. Her mission is to be a conduit for transformational healing and an instrument for evolutionary growth. Naomi may be reached at

Natalie Cormier

Natalie Cormier is a caring and kindhearted RN, clairvoyant/claircognizant and Level 2 Holy Fire Reiki practitioner. She likes to help people and loves to do sports. She is helping ISC with website, blog, and technical support, including her co-development of ISC’s remote viewing practice targets at Natalie can be reached at or

Josh Louis

Josh Louis is clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient, as well as a conscious medium, using his abilities to help others connect with their spirit guides, angels, and loved ones for guidance. Josh connects with his own higher beings and ascended masters to bring forth understanding, and he uses his ability to help people reach a higher level and reconnect with loved ones in a special way. Josh may be reached at

Maureen McEntire

Maureen McEntire is's administrator for class recordings and has assisted Debra for some time with special projects.  She is also a clairvoyant energy healer, animal communicator, and spiritual channel. Maureen may be reached at

Lori Mitchell

Lori Mitchell worked internationally as an engineer and project manager for Fortune 500 companies for over 20 years.  She is currently enjoying a second career in hypnosis, regression therapy, and success coaching.  She is an advanced graduate of ISC, where she has served as a practice group facilitator and editor for various projects.  Lori may be reached at

Jari Pohankova

Jari Pohankova is an advanced intuitive reader, certified healer, counselor, Agape Licensed Spiritual Practitioner, A Course in Miracles spiritual teacher, meditation teacher, and certified angel intuitive with strong clairvoyant and claircognizant gifts. Jari works with the energy of the angelic realm and divine Grace. Jari may be reached at

Pili Torre

Pili Torre is an actress and psychic explorer who loves stories, young-at-heart people, and animals.  She also writes and translates.  She is assisting ISC by translating one of Debra's books into Spanish.  Pili can be reached at

Denis Thalson

Denis Thalson began clairvoyant training in earnest after retiring from teaching comparative religion and working in non-profit radio. Since 2017 he has been helping Debra teach clairvoyance classes, plus facilitating ISC student practice groups. In 2018 Denis will teach a meditation course for ISC students to support reading development through inner exploration. Denis may be reached at

Nedra Khamsao

Nedra Khamsao Yang is a clairvoyant psychic medium who discovered her intuitive ability through her work as a painter and community artist.  She comes from an ancestral healer lineage; her paternal grandparents were both shamanic practitioners. She loves writing and spiritual energy work. Nedra is ISC’s public liaison/project manager for remote viewing projects. She can be reached at

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